Just over one week until the 2017 Christus Rex Pilgrimage!

The below Spiritual Reflection is intended to assist you in your internal preparation for the Pilgrimage.  Please take a moment over the next week to sit down in a quiet place, perhaps before an image of Christ the King, and take your time to read and meditate on these words.  Even if you can’t attend Pilgrimage this year, please take part in these reflections and unite yourself spiritually with those Pilgrims who will be walking.

This Sunday 22nd October there will also be blessings for pilgrims who are attending the pilgrimage:

  1. Maternal Heart of Mary, Lewisham NSW – following the 10:30am Mass
  2. Newman Parish, Caulfield VIC – following the 10:30am Mass
  3. St Joseph’s, Rochester VIC – following the 12:00pm Mass

“Apollos waters”

Most of us growing up can identify at least one significant person who stood out in our lives, whether it was one of our parents, an uncle or an aunt or a friend. For me personally it was my father, who not only was my parent but also my employer, my role-model and my example in faith.Having a mentor who instils within us values and principles which are tantamount to a healthy spiritual life is a great advantage. Many in our communities often lack someone who fulfils this role of being a steady, positive influence.

When it comes to expressing our faith, it is not easy to ‘fly the flag’ of our beliefs in a culture which has become so hostile to the truth of Christ. Simply look at the courage some people display in the sight of hostility when upholding our traditional understanding of marriage, family and of life itself. Each of us needs that constant support, that one friend who backs us to the end, no matter what.

One can never underestimate the positive influence faith-filled and committed people can have on others. When you feel your faith is at an all-time low, the influence of those zealous in their faith, particularly those of one’s own peer group can have such a wonderful influence on those who waiver in their faith. Each of us are called, through our baptismal promises, by Christ to become “salt” and “light of the world” (Mt 5:13-14). Our faith cannot remain hidden. Ours is not a religion of darkness and secrecy but one of light! Our role in society is to positively lead others to Christ – to Christ the King – through our beliefs and our actions.

The power of positive example ought not to be glossed over. My former parish priest, the late Rev. Fr. Leo Lacey PP used to say, in a poem on the priesthood, ……“The only Gospel what some may see is what is written and lived by me.” As we continue to prepare for this wonderful spiritual opportunity to bear witness to Christ the King, let us ask Our Lord for the singular grace that through our example, we may become instruments in leading others to Christ our King.

May God bless you all.