Spiritual Reflection: Fr Mark Withoos

That Christ may reign in all Hearts ‘Vivo Christo Rey!’ Long live Christ the King! With these words in 1927 after having been falsely accused of an assassination attempt against the President, and without trial, Fr. Miguel­–now Blessed Miguel–Pro was executed by...

Sunday Spiritual Reading – Divine Office

(1) The liturgy today is truly a triumphant hymn celebrating the Kingship of Christ. From the First Vespers of the Feast, the figure of Jesus is majestically portrayed, seated on a royal throne and dominating the entire world; “His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom,...

Hymn: Glory be to Jesus

Glory be to Jesus, Who in bitter pains Poured for me the life-blood From His sacred veins. (2) Grace and life eternal In that Blood I find; Blest be His compassion, Infinitely kind. (3) Blest through endless ages Be the precious stream, Which from endless torments Did...

Clergy registrations for 2018 are now open

Registrations for the 2018 Christus Rex Pilgrimage are now open to clergy and religious. We encourage you to register early and encourage your parishioners and friends to also attend. Registration is essential for all clergy regardless of whether they have attended...

Christus Rex in Messenger of St Anthony

Interested in hearing more about the Christus Rex Pilgrimage and its history? Check out the ‘Australia Pilgrimage’ article in the April Edition of the Messenger of St Anthony by Michael McVeigh. “A YOUNG country like Australia doesn’t have a long...