Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to your most common Christus Rex Pilgrimage questions. 

If your question isn’t in the list, please contact us via email or call us on 03 9028 7237

Registration Information

Do I need to register for the Pilgrimage?
Can I change the details on my registration form?

Yes – please contact if you need to amend your details.  However, please note that registrations cannot be transferred to another person. Your registration information must match your ID when you check-in.

Can I get a discount?

We think the registration prices are already great value.  Registration prices are set to reflect the actual cost of a pilgrim attending the Pilgrimage – there is no profit margin built into the pricing.  The Society does everything possible to keep operating costs as low as possible, including relying on a great network of volunteers for catering and on-road safety and services.  If you are unable to attend due to financial hardship, please contact the Society by email at

Am I able to get a refund if I can no longer attend?

If you can no longer attend, please let us know before 30 September 2022, and we will cancel and refund your registration (less a $20 fee). 

We are unable to refund registrations from 1 October 2022.  Please note that registrations are personal to each Pilgrim and are non-transferrable.

Can I transfer my registration to someone else?

No. For safety reasons, we need key personal information about each Pilgrim who attends (including allergies, medical conditions, and emergency contact information).  You cannot transfer your registration to another person.  Another person also cannot check-in using your registration details.  We may ask to see identification (ie. driver licence) at check-in to ensure that your registration details correspond with your ID.  We may refuse to permit any person attempting to check-in another person’s registration from participating in the Pilgrimage.

Will numbers be capped for 2022?

At present there are no restrictions on total numbers for the 2022 Pilgrimage. There are, however, restrictions on the number of people who can sleep in the halls so please register quickly if you are planning on sleeping in the hall.

I can’t attend the full Pilgrimage. Can I come for just part?

Yes, this option is available when you register. 

You will also have to make your own arrangements for travel to the Pilgrimage: for example if you’re joining on Friday night/Saturday morning – travel to Smeaton/Campbelltown; or Saturday night/Sunday morning – travel to Newstead.  If you’re intending to do this, please email us to let us know, to assist you with late check-in.

Can I register now and pay when I check-in?

No, you must pay when you register on the website. Payment facilities (cash and EFTPOS) will only be available at the check-in desk for those who have made a special arrangement with the Society. Registrations without payment can not be accepted.  

COVID-19 Information

What happens if the event is cancelled due to Covid-19?

Unfortunately, its unlikely that we will be able to reschedule the Pilgrimage (the Feast of Christ the King is only celebrated once a year!)

We will do our best to refund as much as the registration fee as possible.  Depending on timing, we may need to withhold part of the registration fee to cover any existing expenditure or liabilities at the time of cancellation. 

What happens if I can no longer attend due to Covid-19?

Before 30 September 2021, you can cancel your registration and receive a refund (minus $20 fee)

From 30 September to 15 October 2021, if Covid-19 restrictions will prevent you from attending, then we will offer you a 50% refund of your registration fee.

After 15 October 2021, we cannot offer any refund of your registration fee if you cannot attend due to COVID-19.

These dates relate to the timing of our commitments to various suppliers and venue operators.

Do I need to wear a face-mask?

We will all need to comply with any Covid-19 rules in-force at the time of the Pilgrimage.  The current rules are available here:

Do I need to be vaccinated for Covid-19 to attend the Pilgrimage?

At present there is no requirement to be vaccinated under the Victorian COVIDSafe Settings. We will let you know if there are any changes.


How do I get to Ballarat?

There are lots of options to get to Ballarat – see the Transport page on our website for tips:

What do I do with my car when I arrive?

If you’re driving your own vehicle, on Thursday evening you can either –

  • Park at Bendigo near the Cathedral, and catch our coach service on Thursday evening from Bendigo Cathedral to Ballarat Cathedral.
  • Park at Ballarat near the Cathedral, and after the Pilgrimage catch our coach service from Bendigo Cathedral back to Ballarat Cathedral on Monday afternoon.

Coach bookings are absolutely essential – book when you register. 

Do not park your vehicle in the Cathedral grounds – the Cathedral carpark gates will be locked and you may not be able to retrieve your vehicle.

How do I book the Bendigo-Ballarat coach service?

Book using the registration page here:

You will need to submit separate registrations for the coach service and registering to attend.

I’m arriving by train in Ballarat, what should I do?

Ballarat Train Station is approximately 1km from Ballarat Cathedral – about a 15 min walk.  If you wont be able to walk with your luggage, email us in advance to let us know what time you intend to arrive.  If possible, we will arrange a shuttle from the Station to the Cathedral for check-in.


Is the Pilgrimage suitable for families?

Yes – but children must be closely supervised at all times!  If your children are too young to walk the entire distance, we provide a ‘children’s chapter’ for your child to participate in. 

Can we bring young children?

Yes! Children of all ages have participated in the Pilgrimage.  We encourage families to attend and for parents to bring their children. Parts of the route are not accessible for pushing prams however we run a Children’s Chapter for most parts of the Pilgrimage.

What is 'Children's Chapter'?

Children’s chapter is a place at each stop for children aged 5-12 to participate in guided play and learning activities like music, arts and craft, story-time, dress-up, and catechesis.

Are there discounts for families?

Yes, for adults who are attending with at least 1 child (under 18 years of age) you eligible for our 25% family discount. Use the code FAM2022 at the check-out on the registration form. 

Can I stay off-site with my family each night?

Yes – however, there are very limited accommodation options available near Smeaton and Newstead.  You will also need your own vehicle (and someone to drive it) to get to and from your off-site accommodation.  Please note that we cannot discount your registration if you choose to stay off-site.

On the road

What if I can’t walk the whole way?

Don’t worry!  The Pilgrimage can be completed by anyone with a moderate level of fitness.  But if you get inured or fatigued, we provide a support bus which can pick you up and take you to the next stop.

What kind of support is provided on the road?

Hydration stations and toilets are provided every 2-3kms.  First-aid officers travel along with the Pilgrims to assist with any minor injuries.  We also provide a support bus which can pick you up and take you to the next stop if you become injured or fatigued.

Will I be walking on closed roads?

No – there are no public road closures for the Pilgrimage; you must obey ordinary traffic rules for pedestrians at all times.  Within the townships, the pilgrims can walk on footpaths, but the majority of the distance is walked on the grassy verge by the side of the carriageway.  Pilgrims must not walk along the carriageway.

What happens if I become injured or unwell whilst walking?

First-aid officers will be on-hand if you become injured or unwell while walking.  We also provide a support bus which can pick you up and take you to the next stop if you can’t continue.  We will call an ambulance for any serious injuries or ill-health.

Are there toilets available throughout the day?

Yes – toilets are available every 2-3kms, and at all the major stops.

Do I need to carry food and water with me?

You should carry a small (<1 litre) water bottle with you, but we provide hydration stations every 2kms, snacks for morning and afternoon tea breaks, and hearty breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Do I need to carry all my gear while I’m walking?

No – we provide a truck to transport your sleeping gear, spare clothes, tent. etc – anything that you wont need access to during the day.   We suggest walking as light as possible – a small day-pack with a bottle, hat, sunscreen, pilgrim’s primer and a rain jacket will do the job for most people.  You must carry your day-pack while you’re walking – so only carry the bare necessities.

Where can I find the itinerary for the Pilgrimage?

Check out the itinerary here! 

Accommodation and meals

Where will we be sleeping?

In community halls and/or campgrounds – see here for more information.

What sleeping gear do I need to bring?

Everyone will need at least a warm sleeping-bag and insulated mat.  Campers will also need to bring their own tent or swag.  See here for a detailed packing list.

Do I need to camp at Smeaton and Newstead?

You must camp if you’re male and over the age of 12.  Camping is generally a much better option for most people!  You will be warmer in your own tent, have more space and privacy, and won’t be woken up by people moving around next to you. 

Can I sleep in the halls at Smeaton and Newstead?

We encourage everyone to camp if they’re able.  You may sleep in the halls if you are a woman or under the age of 12.  Camping is generally a much better option for most people!  You will be warmer in your own tent, have more space and privacy, and won’t be woken up by people moving around next to you.

Can I charge my phone at the campsite and halls?

No – the campsite is unpowered and there are no conveniently located power outlets in the halls.  Pilgrimage is a great time to unplug – keep your phone off during the day!  If you can’t live without your phone, consider bringing a portable power bank.

I have specific dietary requirements. Can you cater for me?

We can generally provide vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free meal options.  We may also be able to cater for other dietary requirements – email us for more information (or make sure you nominate any dietary requirements when you register). 

Do you cater for individuals with food allergies?

Please email us if you have a severe allergy and we will provide you with more information.  Make sure you nominate any allergies, medical conditions or dietary requirements when you register.

What security is provided?

We recommend that you don’t bring valuables on Pilgrimage.  Your luggage will often be unattended.

Can family/friends drop me off and pick me up throughout the weekend?

Yes – but you must let us know in advance of the Pilgrimage, and drop-off and pick-ups can only occur at the lunch or evening stops.   It is unsafe to stop at other places along the route.

How do I move my luggage from site to site each day?

Load your luggage into one of the trucks parked outside the hall/campsite in the morning – and we will transport your luggage to the evening stop.  Make sure you load your luggage onto the right truck – one goes to the campsite; the other goes to the hall.

Register for the 2022 Pilgrimage